Suck At Life

Robert Fulton's Clermont
Did not have nearly as much steam
Rising in angry, nonsensical vapors
Whistle about to blow
Fantastically always on the brink
Of some unrealized tantrum
Stifled since age two.
Gruff, awkward, irritable caveman
You call yourself "charming"
And tell me "I suck at life"
Really it's not funny
Neither of us should laugh
It's all kind of a mess, really
Dripping, grainy
uneven - this afternoon
This life.
But then - - admittedly, a little tired
Everywhere I turn these days
Seems they all have something slick to say
With a polish that gleams just a little grotesque
Been a long time since I made a friend
For the simple sake of having a friend
What a joy and a relief to be able to say
I find you rather annoying
And sometimes very kind.