The Lost Generation

"You are all a lost generation." -Gertrude Stein

Upon My Birthday Eve

Total solar eclipse
And a new moon
In Cancer
The first year
Of my home on 69th street

Absence of light only sheds clarity
The Moon child sees best
In the dark
It has always been that way.

The Way We Were

The All American Smile
by Hubbell Gardner (played by Robert Redford)

"In a way he was like the country he lived in; everything came too easily to him. But at least he knew it. About once a month he worried that he was a fraud, but then most everyone he knew was more fraudulent. Sometimes he felt. . . there's really no reason for us to change.  Of course by then they were too lost, or too lazy.  It had always been too easy."
-The Way We Were, 1973